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WO&MEN@VU is a network dedicated to improving gender equality at VU

WO&MEN@VU is a network of and for VU employees who want to improve gender equality between men and women. WO&MEN@VU consists of people of all gender identities. We consist of an active board, have about 300 members and organize various events. 


Approximately every two months we publish a newsletter. In it, we announce activities and news around gender. You can subscribe to the newsletter using this form. We also communicate through the VU website, VUZine and tv screens in the buildings.

Can I help?

WO&MEN@VU runs on volunteers. We can use all the help we can get. Even if you don't know yourself if you can contribute something, or if you can only help a few hours a month, we will find something you can do. Send an email to and we'll let you know what the possibilities are.

About the name: WO&MEN@VU network

About the name: WO&MEN@VU network

The name WO&MEN@VU network stands for 'women AND men network'. By “women” and “men” we mean anyone socialized as either a woman or a man. 

In the logo represents gender as neutral as possible. It is about people and equal opportunities/opportunities within VU. 

A mint green symbol for male, female and non-binary gender

Meer over WO&MEN@VU


The network can be contacted by sending an e-mail to