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Postgraduate Supervision Training

The Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision training combines discussions, case studies, research literature, video clips, and numerous other activities and information, both online and face-to-face, to help the new supervisor engage with the practice and process of postgraduate supervision in a reflective and informed way.

"This innovative training provides the structured support needed by academics as they take on the complex and demanding role of postgraduate supervision". 

A number of national studies have indicated a need for better support of novice supervisors if postgraduate graduations are to increase. In response to this need, the ‘Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision’ programme provides an intensive and engaging 30 credit short course. The course provides the space for novice supervisors to come together with the focused intention of learning about supervision. It provides the opportunities for collegial support networks to be developed within your university and across the higher education sector.


The training is structured around four themes:

  1. Social Justice in Supervision
  2. The Importance of Scholarship
  3. Supervisor Practices
  4. Supervision Processes

See also the website of Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision for more information and available resources.


  1. Following the success of the Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision training, we also coordinated the EPE-project funded by the European Union. This project enabled the development of high quality online materials for use by supervisors and postgraduate scholars with a focus on the South African Higher Education context. All materials are licensed under Creative Commons and publicly and available on
  2. Currently, CIS is implementing the second follow-up project. CPC tries to support the pivotal role played by universities in responding to community needs through research. This requires continuous improvement of postgraduate education. The project is an EU funded initiative to nurture research-rich environments necessary for quality postgraduate education. The project partners are five African and four European universities working together towards this goal. The project is trying to improve research supervision, research management and support structures and the nurturing of research rich environments though scholarly engagement such as summer schools and seminars. Please visit to take a look.

Do you have any questions for us? We are happy to help


VU Hoofdgebouw (main building)
Filosofenhof (2G)
De Boelelaan 1105
1081HV Amsterdam
