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Courses for PhD Researchers

The ALP offers courses in academic English and Dutch for PhD-students. From remedial to advanced, with a lot of attention for individual feedback. There are group courses for international PhD students to learn Dutch.

Academic English
- Introduction to Academic Writing in English
- Advanced academic writing for PhD Researchers
- Pronunciation for PhD Researchers
- Concise Formulation

Only for PhDs from the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW)
- Writing academic English
- Intensive Course in Attractive Academic Writing

Dutch courses

For international PhDs who want to learn Dutch, there are group courses at every level, from beginners to advanced.

Learn Dutch - evening courses (VU-NT2)
- Basic Dutch on Campus
- Dutch for work and study
- Dutch for work and study SPRINT
- Professional Dutch 1 and 2 


The Writing Centre offers tutorials for PhD students/PhDs who are writing their English-language dissertation. This support is specifically aimed at the quality of academic English and always in consultation with the supervisor. A standard trajectory consists of an intake interview of one hour in which the tutor determines a number of specific points for attention together with the PhD candidate, followed by three or five one-hour appointments. In these sessions, the tutor and the PhD candidate work together in detail on a section of the text, focusing on the identified points for attention. Tutorials in small groups of up to three PhD students are also possible. For more information, please contact dr. Gea Dreschler:

Editing service for your dissertation

For PhD students/PhD candidates who want to improve the English or Dutch language in their dissertation and who can use help with that. We offer editing services for texts up to roughly 7,000 words, from 'light' to 'heavy' editing. We examine the linguistic quality of the actual text. Read more about the editing service. 

Contact Academic Language Programme

For VU staff: you can contact us about ALP courses for you or your students or with questions about language policy or communicative skills.

Dr. Gea Dreschler, academic director ALP

Dr. Nel de Jong, coordinator ALP for Dutch (NT1, NT2)

For students: for questions or information about a course, workshop or coaching, contact us at