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Putting the puzzle together

The majority of graduates from the Bachelor's programme in Mathematics go on to do a Master's - whether at VU Amsterdam, elsewhere in the Netherlands or abroad. 

While a Master's in Mathematics may be the obvious choice, other popular choices include business analytics, computer science or econometrics.

Having completed your Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, you'll be well equipped for the future - not just in terms of quantitative and critical thinking data-analysis skills, but also problem-solving and interpersonal skills. Historically, all of our graduates have found work extremely quickly - proving just how employable the VU's mathematicians are. 

What can you do after your Bachelor’s degree?

Further your education

A Master's in a specialisation that relates to your chosen track is a logical next step for anyone graduating from the Mathematics Bachelor's programme. You could choose from Master's programmes in:

You can choose for a Master’s programme at other universities as well:

  • Actuarial Science
  • Statistical Science 
  • Applied Mathematics 

Start your career

With a degree in Mathematics, there are many different directions your career could take you. Your problem-solving and analytical skills will make you an asset in almost any commercial company, government organisation or consultancy. You would be well prepared to work in a diverse range of fields, including financial modeling, option pricing, statistics, IT, data analysis, research and teaching. 

Alumni from the programme have landed jobs at consultancies, banks, academic institutions, R&D companies, insurance firms, the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) and data-science companies like Google, Yahoo or Whatever you choose, we can guarantee it won't take you long to find a job.