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How does nature work?

Ecology and Evolution (pre-Master's programme)

Why might you need a pre-Master’s programme?

The pre-Master’s programme comprises of 5 courses dealing with ecology, evolution, genetics and statistical approaches (30 EC) and is meant to update relevant knowledge for students with a bachelor’s degree from a university of Applied Sciences (HBO toegepaste biologie), who want to follow the Master’s programme Ecology and Evolution.

Please note that BSc students with a different background need to check the admission requirements for the Master’s programme Ecology and Evolution, and that the pre-Master does not provide a fast track into the Master’s programme.

Discover your Ecology and Evolution pre-Master's programme

Discover your Ecology and Evolution pre-Master's programme

You will follow five courses in the first semester, encompassing in principle 30 EC. Your previous education will determine the exact content of your individual programme.

Explore the programme content
green, sloping landscape